
Mortgage Calculators

Compare mortgage options, calculate payments, and determine how much home you can afford with Total Mortgage’s easy-to-use calculators. Get insights on your debt-to-income ratio and find answers to your homebuying questions—all in one place.

Each free, interactive mortgage calculator below will help you along the journey toward your homeownership goals.

Monthly Mortgage Calculator

Our monthly mortgage calculator will make your life easier by determining your monthly payments using your interest rate, down payment, credit score and more.

Purchase Budget Mortgage Calculator

Our purchase budget calculator considers a few key factors, including your household income, monthly debts (such as auto and student loan payments), and the down payment to determine how much you can afford.

Bi-weekly Mortgage Payment Calculator

Our bi-weekly mortgage payment calculator will show you how much you will save if you make ½ of your mortgage payment every two weeks instead of making a full mortgage payment once a month.

Extra Payment Mortgage Calculator

By making additional monthly payments you will be able to repay your loan much more quickly. The calculator lets you determine monthly mortgage payments, find out how your monthly, yearly, or one-time pre-payments influence the loan term and the interest paid over the life of the loan, and see complete amortization schedules.

Refinance Mortgage Calculator

Wondering how refinancing will affect your monthly payments? See how much you can save.

Mortgage Payoff Calculator

Use our Mortgage Payoff Refinance Calculator to see how refinancing can help you pay off your mortgage faster and save on interest. Compare loan options, calculate potential savings, and find the best strategy to become debt-free sooner.

Cashout Refinance Mortgage Calculator

Use our Cash-Out Refinance Calculator to see how much equity you can tap into. Estimate your new mortgage payment, compare loan options, and determine if a cash-out refinance is the right financial move for you.

Take the first step toward the right mortgage.

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